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This Just Got Real!


Oh dear god, what the hell is wrong with me, I have CLEARLY lost my freaking mind.


Who says yes to the Reno/Tahoe Odyssey, a 178 mile course divided up between a 12 person team, so each person is responsible for running about 14 miles? Me. Who says yes to this even though at present time they can’t even run a mile? Yep that’s me again. Who says yes to this when they are a zillion pounds overweight and not physically fit AT ALL? Ummmmmm yeah that would still be me.


One of my closest girlfriends Stephanie calls me up and says her and her husband are thinking about putting together a team, this was back in June when she was telling me this and I was like okay okay I will do it if you guys get a team together. In my mind I was thinking this would be one of those things that won’t come together because of all the different schedules people have and what not. Well shit, fast forward to this week, she calls me and says, ‘we have a team and I have signed us all up’…….this shit just got real…I think I was supposed to be excited…but NO I sure wasn’t!


OH MY GOD how am I gonna do this thing?? No really how am I!!!??? I USED to be a runner like a zillion years ago. I ran a marathon in 2003,  a few half marathons between 2004-2008 and too many 10K’s and 5k’s to count between 2003-2010. So it’s been 5 years, 5 years since I was able to run at least 6 miles. That’s an eternity in running years! And not to mention I regularly worked out back then. Not so much these past few years..hahaha!!


MFer! Let the training began….I have 7 ½ months…I am laughing as I write this, I am truly a crazy lady!!



This darn thing starts in Downtown Reno along the Truckee River. Traveling through the Sierra Nevada mountains and along the shores of Lake Tahoe. Circling back through the Northern Nevada high desert to where you began in Reno. Come on…really did I commit to this…yep yep I did!!!

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