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What Will You Do When God Says No
January 29th, 2018

Obviously the huge College Football fan I am I of course had heard of Inky Johnson and his career ending injury….thats sarcasm of course!! I just happened to come across his story and it really touched me and I found it to be very inspiring as a Christian. We have our hearts desires and sometimes God puts those desires in our hearts and other times its just our human desires but not what God has planned for us. Now if you’ve been a Christian for awhile you’ve come to understand that what we want and what God wants for us aren’t always the same and what God wants for us is WAY better than what we had planned, ALWAYS. 


Inky Johnson wanted to be in the NFL his WHOLE life, its ALL he ever wanted and he was just a few games away from that dream, he was set to be first round NFL draft pick. His dream was about to come true along with the money and prestige you get from being an NFL player…now to the world that sounds amazing but like I said Gods plans for us are better…yes even better than all the money, fame and what not the NFL can provide…Inky Johnson’s dream was gone in a flash and he wouldn’t want it any other way….God has fulfilled his life and then some….Amen!

Be Kind
January 22nd, 2018

We live right now in by far the strangest time I’ve lived in since being alive. We are SO incredibly divided as a people. We aren’t even open to those who have opposing thoughts or views. We don’t even listen to what someone has to say if we think they are a liberal or a conservative or whatever. 


I have my values, my set of standards for living but I don’t push it on anyone. I am an American which means I am proud that there are so many differences in our country, what I’m not proud about is we don’t accept all those differences. We demand that people think and have the same vision for America and if you don’t than you are shut down all sides do it, its disgusting. 


We need kindness and understanding for ALL more than ever. Here are 10 ways to be more kind and a better person to others in todays crazy ass world…thanks Marc and Angel for always brining light to goodness!!


  • Everybody you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something.  Know this.  You never know what someone has been through, or what they’re going through today.  Don’t be lazy and make empty judgments about them.  Be kind.  Ask about their stories.  Listen.  Be humble.  Be teachable.  Be a good neighbor.

  • Some people build lots of walls in their lives and not enough bridges.  Don’t be one of them.  Open yourself up.  Take small chances on people.  Let them shift your perspective.  We all take different roads seeking fulfillment, joy, and peace.  Just because someone is traveling a different road, doesn’t mean they’re lost or going the wrong way.

  • No one has ever made themselves strong by showing how small someone else is.  Remember this, and communicate accordingly.

  • The single greatest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.  Too often we don’t listen to understand—we listen to reply.  Bring awareness to this.  And listen for what’s truly behind the words.

  • Be present.  Be thoughtful.  Compliment people.  Magnify their strengths, not their weaknesses.  This is how to make a real and lasting difference in your relationships, new and old.

  • Set an example.  Treat everyone with respect, even those who are rude to you—not because they are nice, but because YOU are.  And do your best to be thankful for the rude and difficult people too; they serve as great reminders of how not to be.

  • People will rarely think and act exactly the way you want them to.  Hope for the best, but expect less.  Agree to disagree when necessary.  And be careful not to dehumanize those you disagree with.  In our self-righteousness, we can easily become the very things we dislike in others.

  • People are much nicer when they’re happier, which says a lot about those who aren’t very nice to us.  Sad, but true.  The way we treat people we disagree with is a report card on what we’ve learned about love, compassion and kindness.  Let’s just wish them well, and be on our way.

  • You can’t control how people receive your energy.  And you can’t take things too personally, even if it seems personal.  Rarely do people do things because of you.  They do things because of them.  There is a huge amount of freedom that comes to when you detach from other people’s behaviors.  The way they treat you is their issue, how you respond is yours.  (We discuss this in more detail in the “Relationships” chapter of our book.)

  • The wisest, most loving, and well-rounded people you have ever met are likely those who have been shattered by some kind of heartbreak.  Yes, life often creates the best humans by breaking them first.  Their destruction into pieces allows them to be fine-tuned and reconstructed into a masterpiece.  Let this continue to remind you to be way kinder than necessary, every step of the way.

Martin Luther King Jr.
January 15th, 2018

I know yesterday was Martin Luther Kind Day but hey he has some amazingly beautiful quotes so I felt like posting some!!! Enjoy!

Stop Wasting Time!
January 8th, 2018

As we’ve entered a new year its easy to see how quickly the last one went isn’t it? We will NEVER get that time back, NEVER. So did you waste your year? Did you have a lot of mouth movement but no action? Did you sit around waiting for life to happen? How did you spend this last year of 2017 that you will NEVER get back? I say all of this this way because TIME truly is our most precious commodity. Hands down, period. 


Time is the most precious thing you have so quit treating it like you have all the TIME in the world because YOU DON’T. When your life is all said and done the one thing you will have wanted more of is TIME. SO STOP WASTING TIME WHILE YOU ARE LIVING. Stop treating TIME as if you get more of it or that there is plenty of it…THERE ISN’T MY FRIEND.


The following two videos are Stop Wasting Time parts 1 and 2. If these don’t give you a wake up call, I’m not sure what will. But I pray that you start using the time YOU have left wisely. 

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