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Now is like pre-season in football; opening day is nigh and every fan has his or her argument why their team will win the Super Bowl. Let’s look at the most likely matchups come November, 2016 for President of the United States and who we’d wind up with in the White House:




Overview: Credit Bernie for being honest and devout. He has always been a Socialist and he’s not backing down from it. Unlike most socialists, he doesn’t lie about what he’s going to do. In the most recent debate, Sanders acknowledged that there is no such thing as “free” college or healthcare and then announced increased taxes for all Americans, including the middle class. If the democrats somehow nominate Sanders (which I do not believe will happen for one minute), America will actually hear his policies and they will choose whoever the other candidate is. Promising lower healthcare premiums in exchange for less income does not speak to the mood of the electorate, especially the Millennials (Bernie’s core base) who actually have jobs. Millennials have fewer children than any identical age group in history, thus use the healthcare system less. The idea that more of their money will be taken from them for a system they don’t use will make them recoil and stay home (which most of them are going to do anyways as the youth vote always does). In 1984 Walter Mondale famously told the country he would raise their taxes…Ronald Reagan went on to win 49 states. Sanders’ results will be the same


Outcome: Whoever the Republican candidate is wins. They could nominate Oscar the Grouch and he’d win in a landslide




Overview: I dissected this in the previous blog. Trump will be a surprise to conservative Americans who learn about his current liberal views on healthcare, eminent domain, and free trade. That may make them question his alleged evolution on gay marriage, guns, and abortion. However, Independent will be surprised at his progress as a candidate and what they think are his moderate views. If we presume that National Security and the Economy will be the two main issues trump will dominate the debate. The Trump we have seen will be calmer and more reasoned and will reassure women that he can be trusted with the nuclear codes. Hillary remains a flawed candidate who is easily flustered and completely unlikeable. HOWEVER, multiple reports are surfacing that large numbers of Republicans are suggesting they would be so anathema to Trump that, rather than stay home, they would actually vote for Hillary because they fear her less. Yikes.


Outcome: I’m not trying to dodge the questions, but I say too close to call. If I had to guess, I’d bet on President Trump in one of the nastiest campaigns ever in a deeply divided and volatile America.




Overview: This is America’s nightmare scenario. Do you want Nurse Ratched or the Used Car salesman? Hillary remains completely unlikeable and un-trustable, but will appear as the kinder, gentler choice next to Cruz who comes across as both nasty and slimy. In the final few weeks before voting, many of his positions have been proven to be total flip-flops for political expediency and his tone has become snarky and small. Next to Hillary, he will look like a bully. The right-wingers want to believe that with Cruz’s devout hard core conservative principles, he will rally the base to make sure Hillary doesn’t win. The math doesn’t work. There aren’t enough of them when compared to Democrats who would be terrified of Cruz and Independents who would essentially say “you gotta be kidding me”


Outcome: President Hillary




Overview: This is Hillary’s nightmare scenario, as has been confirmed by multiple leaks and sources inside the Clinton campaign. They correctly believe that Rubio will make Hillary look like exactly what she is; old, nasty, and negative. Rubio’s youthful exuberance for America and positive outlook will connect with all demographics. Conservatives do not trust Rubio on Immigration and he has, by far, the weakest tax plan of all of the Republican nominees. However, he is a stud on National Security and gun rights so they will turn out to support him and keep Hillary out of the White House.

Outcome: President Rubio in a landslide




Overview: Christie could potentially come across as a bully on the debate stage beating up the “girl.” However, Hillary is so un-liked that I’m not sure it would matter. Christie scares many republicans because his perceived weakness on various Conservative issues as a result of governing the very Democratic state of New Jersey where he had to appeal to liberals in order to win. He is a spectacular debater and defender of his positions, and is strong on National Security. He’s not so “moderate” that Republicans will stay home and allow Hillary to win


Outcome: President Chris Christie




Overview: It’s more likely that an asteroid hits the White House than Jeb Bush gets this nomination, but since he has the most money and voting hasn’t started yet, we can’t eliminate him yet. Another Clinton versus Bush battle will turn off a large portion of the electorate. Bush is the only person in the race who is a worse campaigner and debater than Hillary and too many Americans still hold his brother in such a negative light that there’s no there there.


Outcome: President Hillary



Inspired by Fox News, here’s the premise of “candidate Casino:” if you had $100 to bet on declared or presumed or predicted candidates as to who will ultimately win the nomination of their party based on what we know today, how would you spread it around? (Minimum $5 per bet…”the filed” represents the basket of candidates not mentioned by name, indicating the likeliness of one of them emerging)







































Just weeks away from Iowa and New Hampshire voting and the momentum that comes out of those states, here are my bets for who is going to ultimately win the nominations of their parties. Trump is looking strong, but I am still no convinced enough people will actually come out and vote for him (or that the party will truly “let” him win this nomination).

Just weeks away from Iowa and New Hampshire voting and the momentum that comes out of those states, here are my bets for who is going to ultimately win the nominations of their parties. Hillary is plummeting in polls and Bernie Sanders is surging. Sanders IS going to win New Hampshire as he’s from neighboring Vermont. Conventional wisdom says that Sanders stands no chance in the South, but if Hillary heads to South Carolina and the SEC primary looking like she’s unelectable, voters will swing to Bernie if he’s their only alternative. I wonder if Joe Biden’s phone is ringing yet?

Monday, January 18th, 2016




Disclaimer; I am NOT predicting that the matchup come November for the presidency will be Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton. I have said from the outset that Trump will not secure the nomination. Additionally, recent polling and buzz show the bottom falling out of Hillary Clinton. She is descending now at a rate faster than at this time in 2008 when she lost the nomination to Barack Obama. Additionally, multiple media outlets report that the FBI have expanded their investigation into Hillary’s emails. The Democrats are getting more than a little nervous. Hillary looks completely unelectable if she secures the nomination, and the only alternative is Socialist Bernie Sanders, who is projected to lose 43-47 states in a general election by political professors on both sides of the aisles (using polling data at this point is meaningless…most people are not paying attention and answer based on name and party. Once America heard Sanders’ Socialist views, he would be discarded by everyone over the age of 35 and the almighty “youth vote” never shows up, and even if it does, is less than 20% of the electorate. The Democrats are not-so-secretly meeting to discuss doomsday scenarios and how long they can wait before forcing/recruiting Joe Biden to run to the rescue.

On the Republican side, polls continue to show Trump leading almost everywhere and recent attacks on Ted Cruz may take their toll enough to launch Trump to victories in the first few states and create a snowball effect that the Republicans are unable to stop. Plus, Trump is becoming a much, much, better candidate, especially during debates. Trump wants you to believe that the Republican Party is nervous about him because he is an “outsider.” Hogwash…the Republican party is worried about trump because they don’t believe he’s electable and because he isn’t a Republican at all.


But with that said, let’s imagine, just for a moment, how America would react come Labor Day, when they actually start paying attention to the Presidential race and the debates arrive:


How will Conservative Republicans react when Trump boldly rejects free markets and free trade, two conservative principles, by beating the drum on his idea of a tariff on all Chinese products sold in America? Such a move would cripple he middle class and the American economy for months at the very least.


How will Conservative Republicans react when Trump voices his support, as he has over and over again, for eminent domain, the ability of the Government to seize private property not just for national interest, but for reasons development projects by big businessmen? Private property rights have been a stalwart of the conservative movement since it began.


How will Conservative republicans respond when trump repeats what he’s said over and over again…that he will actually EXPAND Obamacare? He will “cover everyone and the government will pay for it.” That is the literal definition of Universal/socialist healthcare.


Given those undeniable FACTS, how will Conservative Republicans be able to believe Trump when he says he has legitimately changed his mind and “evolved,” on issues which he has only recently claimed to be conservative? Is it reasonable to believe that a man who supports, still, universal health care and eminent domain, while publicly disavowing free trade and free markets with his proposals, has magically converted to conservative beliefs on guns, abortion and exorbitant taxes increases on the job creators of America?


Perhaps Conservatives and/or Republicans will simply stay home…or perhaps they’ll be so intent on making sure that anyone other than Hillary gets into the White house that they will vote for Trump…only to be devastatingly disappointed by his economic policies and Supreme Court Justice Nominees. The only two things Trump can be counted on is vastly growing and using the American Military, and being as vocally anti-illegal-immigrant as possible. The wall would be built…but come 2019 when America still has 10 million+ Illegals in the country, how will those who envisioned deportation of such feel then?


None of it may matter, because amongst people already paying attention, Trump is actually tremendously popular amongst those who identify as Democrats and Independents.


In other words, if Trump is the Republican Nominee, Democrats win either way. That is some delicious irony.



Monday, November 27th, 2015




When it comes to Donald Trump, it has gone from being interesting to entertaining to now terrifying. Trump’s bogus claims of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11 were enough for me, but now there’s more. And please, don’t for one minute try to defend his absurdity. There was ONE story of AN alleged report of Muslims celebrating in Jersey City and it was almost instantly shot down…and believe me, there was no political correctness on 9/11. We would thirsty for such a story. To the go beyond that and openly and outwardly mock a disabled journalist as he did two days ago, is outdone only by his absurd denial of what we all saw plainly and clearly with our own eyes. The man is quite literally pathological and a sociopath and those are bad qualities in anyone, let alone a President. Enough.


Perhaps what I find most perplexing about the flirtation with Trump (and that’s all it is, as I’ve told you from the beginning) is whether or not he is changing peoples’ perceptions (including mine) of some other candidates or whether the other candidates are actually better choices than we originally thought. Ted Cruz is in a solid second place in many polls, so he is clearly appearing as a viable candidate to many. Next to trump, I agree….chicken and egg anyone?






I have been arguing for months that the freak show that is Donald Trump will come to an end as people become more serious and actually approach having to vote for him. Conversely, I have argued for years that the American public is as ignorant and arrogant as it ever has been. I have always avoided the position of elitism that demands that Americans have become too stupid to think for themselves, but I am starting to wonder just how stupid we’ve actually become. We are just over two months away now from voting beginning for who the Republican Party will run against the presumptive Democratic Nominee, Hillary Clinton. Despite being so close to becoming real, Trump’s poll numbers not only remain steady, but are growing. In every state, and nationally, mind you.


There is very little conservative about Donald Trump, In addition, his inability to articulate coherent policies beyond “I know how to manage,” is stunning. And yet he leads, by a lot. In second place in most polls is former neurosurgeon Ben Carson who is, in a completely different way, equally as embarrassing and frightening as Trump. The comments this week from both candidates vis a vie Muslims, terrorism, and refugees have been like watching 3rd graders try to complete sentences on why they like dogs or cats more. It staggers the mind.


And yet they lead, by a lot.


I am sticking to my guns and refusing to believe that the politically involved American Public is so far gone that the Republican Party will nominate either Trump or Carson. I am doing so because I have to, for if we are so far across the Rubicon that Trump or Carson are truly viable presidential candidates to a large swath of this nation, then the battle is truly over and we are, without a doubt, never coming back and are on a rocket ship to becoming a second world nation in my lifetime, something I’ve never believed possible.


Hillary Clinton is eminently beatable. If the Republicans nominate Trump, Carson or Bush, she will win. Ted Cruz could win the nomination; his ability to beat Hillary is an open question to me because it would be an election between two of the most unlikeable and polarizing political figures in history. I still have faith and I believe that either Marco Rubio or Chris Christie, two people who would destroy Hillary in a landslide, will become the nominee. I have to believe that. Wake me up in April and let me know if I still have a country.







…Why? You ask…because I believe he’d make the best president the United States has seen in 20 years, and therefore, he will never get the nomination. Imagine how different (and great) America would be if my 2008 candidate, Rudy Giuliani, would have become president. I am the kiss of death, and if I recognize you as the best person for the job, you have no shot. Sorry, Chris, you would have been an amazing president in my opinion. If a Republican becomes president, you’ll probably be the best Attorney General ever.


That leaves me rooting for Marco Rubio and assuming that he, too won’t get the nomination but I still think there’s a chance.


Yet another debate is this week…watch it and enjoy the carnage. It’s Hillary versus one of these folks and the Republicans need to try something radical; picking a real candidate. Across the country, whether it be Governors, Senators, or local politicians, the Republican party is destroying the Democrats and yet they can’t win the most important office in the world. WTF?




That republican debate last week was a clown show inspired by some of the worst media personalities ever to take a stage. But we did learn a few things about a few people. Since we already know Hillary is the democratic nominee (barring an FBI indictment) let’s go over the Republicans who matter in the order that they matter:


MARCO RUBIO is the current front-runner who may be peaking too soon, but is also a tremendously gifted politician in a time when rhetoric is far more important than accomplishments and experience. Barack Obama proved that, and Rubio is Hillary’s worst nightmare because he’s young, Hispanic and gifted. She is none of those things, especially gifted.


TED CRUZ has been underestimated his entire life and has always won. He is already known to much of America in a very negative way. Though he is also Hispanic and young, he would have a much harder time convincing America he was trustworthy enough to be a better choice than Hillary.


CHRIS CHRISTIE, if he can hold on, could be the 2016 version of John McCain, the man whose campaign was declared dead and came back and won the nomination. Christie is the most talented debater of modern times and would destroy Hillary in the debates. He answers questions immediately and forthrightly and says candidly, “this is who I am, take me or leave me.” He is the true, talented, experienced, intelligent Trump. If he can hang on long enough to break through, look out.


NIKKI HALEY is the Governor of South Carolina and is not running for president, but should be the Vice-Presidential candidate. She is a strong, gifted, successful female president who also happens to be of Indian ancestry. She checks every box for people who vote based on identities. Much of who the VP is will depend on how we get to the nominee, but Haley should be at the top of everyone’s short list. She blunts Hillary in every way.


JEB BUSH is completely done and looks more and more pathetic every day he says otherwise. His donors are running to Rubio and, I hope, looking at Christie as well. CARLY FIORINA has botched her time in the limelight by overly focusing on Planned Parenthood, a topic no American actually cares about no matter how many times she and other Republicans say otherwise. Her case that she is the best match against Hillary if counter-intuitive since having two women run for the presidency simply means that the reams of people who have been indoctrinated to believe that Hillary is everything she isn’t, will simply choose Hillary. JOHN KASICH has performed miserably in debates and comes across petulant, his pathway has closed. The longer DONALD TRUMP hangs around, the more exposed as a fraud he becomes. He simply has no business discussing issues with Rubio, Cruz and others who are genuinely educated and prepared. Ditto BEN CARSON, who also makes outlandish statements and then triples-down on those statements despite their insanity. I told you from the beginning Trump and Carson would fade, and they will. Still. No one else matters nor did they ever, other than that one guy who is going to shock us all come February. Someone will finish better in Iowa or New Hampshire than anyone expected and will get a huge boost. It always happens, although that person rarely goes on to win the nomination.






Unless the FBI indicts Hillary Clinton for the email/Bengahzi issue, Hillary Clinton, will, without a doubt, be the Democratic Nominee for President. Those of you still clinging to a Bernie Sanders candidacy seriously need to grow up. It will not happen under any circumstance. Should Hillary be indicted, Biden or Elizabeth Warren will swoop in and become the nominee. Sorry, life is hard and the truth hurts. For the record, Sanders probably will win Iowa and New Hampshire and there will be delusional hysteria for a few weeks before Clinton begins sweeping the south and making Sanders a punchline.


The issue now is who the Republicans will run against her in a year when the Republicans should waltz to the White House. America rarely elects the same party to a third time in the White House and Hillary is a miserably bad candidate whose unlike-ability will destroy her, unless the Republicans find a way to, yet again, screw up their shot at the white house. Chris Christie and/or John Kasich would destroy Hillary which means they have no shot getting the nomination because the Republican party is moronic. This is the party that could have nominated Rudy Giuliani in 2008; a man who would have defeated Barack Obama and altered history is dramatic ways. It is unlikely, though possible, that the Republicans will go full Kamikaze and actually nominate Trump or Carson, a true political death wish. The most likely scenario is that the republican nominee will be one of a very few people; Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz or, God forbid, Jeb Bush. Bush’s campaign is imploding but he still has a lot of money so anything is possible. In the end, in my opinion, it’s a horse race between Rubio and Cruz with the small possibility of someone like Christie still emerging, which is my wet dream.







Imagine just for a moment a presidential campaign between two of the most unlikable and untrustworthy people in the public eye; it could very well happen. From the beginning, I have told you not to look past Ted Cruz, and I’ve also reported that Hillary is perhaps the worst candidate of modern times, which she has already lived up to. Imagine America having to choose between the potential first woman President, who is completely unlikable and untrustworthy or the first Hispanic American President who is also a freshman senator from Texas who is as far right as they get and makes most people feel like he’s trying to sell them a car or ask them to donate to his church. It COULD happen.


On the Republican side, I stand by my assertion that neither Trump nor Carson will be the nominee. Fiorina has botched her chance, in my opinion, as being the true “outsider,” candidate by fatefully wasting her debate performance on focusing on Planned Parenthood, an issue no American cares about according to all polling on all sides. Given that, who do the Republicans choose? Marco Rubio scares the democrats the most because he is young, Hispanic and conservative, but not right wing. He’s a good campaigner who makes people feel patriotic, comfortable and safe, but whether or not he can break through the primary field remains in question. I still believe he’ll be standing at the end. Chris Christie is the candidate that scares the Democrats second most because he is Donald Trump with intelligence and experience, but he has gained no traction. Whether or not he can survive long enough to make a comeback is questionable. I assume neither Rubio nor Christie will actually win the nomination because I like both of them and my candidates never get chosen. Cruz, meanwhile, has amassed a ton of money, spent almost none, and is slowly yet steadily growing in the polls. He is perfectly positioned to leap to the lead when Trump and Carson fade, which THEY WILL.


On the Democratic side, I still believe that Joe Biden wants to be president, as he has for 30 years, and I still believe that if he gets in, the race changes. Keep in mind that Hillary remains under and FBI investigation and remains a horrendously bad candidate that scares the hell out of Democratic Party Operatives. It does look, however, as though Hillary is now the leader for the nomination. She has, in my opinion, NO CHANCE of becoming president. Unless the Republicans put the worst possible person against her. Is that Cruz? No, but he’s close…  





Snapshot reaction to the first democratic debate: A total waste of time as 2 people you’ve heard of sparred over who could lurch further and further left and three other guys watched. What’s said at primary debates is almost always as meaningless as what’s said in the general election because you never really know who’s lying when. With that said, we did get reminded that the only thing Hillary does well in politics is debate; if she somehow slogs through this process and gets the nomination, God forbid she be perched on a stage next to Jeb Bush, which I have already predicted would be the true end of days anyways for this nation. Hillary won the debate, Sanders and his supporters think he won but there aren’t enough of them, and the three stoges should all drop out of the race by tomorrow, paving the way for Vice-President Joe Biden to give Democrats some sort of actual choice.


As for the Republicans, as confusing as the race is at times, This is NOT rocket surgery people….let’s give you some quick updates as follows:


Carly Fiorina has lost 50% of her support since her exceptional performance at last month’s most recent Republican debate…WHY? Because she has placed her entire focus in the last many weeks on the Planned Parenthood scandal that almost literally no one in America cares about. Multiple conservative websites have acknowledged that survey after survey shows that even Americans familiar with the videos charging Planned Parenthood with barbaric behavior simply do not care. Fiorina has made a classic rookie mistake by focusing on an emotional issue that she believes in and few others do. She can still recover, but she better wise up.


Donald Trump acknowledged Tuesday October 13 to Neil Cavuto on Fox News exactly what I told you from the beginning; his tax rate of 0% does NOTHING to help the people given the rate since they alredy pay no federal income tax. In the face of facts, Trump HAD to admit that, as he said “those people don’t pay those taxes anyways….but we’ll eliminate the paperwork.” YouTube it, deniers, facts are facts. Trump remains on the wrong side of the party on trade, health care and, most recently, eminent domain. He will NOT be the candidate. Still.


Ben Carson is a brilliant man who is a terrible candidate and will fade quickly as winter arrives.


In the end, America will revert to type. The question remains which of the real candidates will live long enough to seize the nomination. If Jeb Bush somehow gets it, be prepared for little to change in America regardless of who wins in November 2016 (most likely Joe Biden in that scenario). I now believe that Chris Christie has no chance of becoming the nominee because I am certain he’s the best candidate, and that person never wins. Watch out for Ted Cruz who is surging by all matrix.

Let’s follow up on last week’s blog post entitled “TIME FOR BOLD PREDICTIONS:” I wrote that “While many candidates have been declared dead and then gone on to win various posts (including John McCain in 2008), there are still plenty of reasons to believe that we have a handle on what the 2016 presidential election will look like as follows:”


Here’s who is OUT, figuratively speaking, of the race for Republican Nominee: Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki, Bobby Jindal,  Jim Gilmore, Rick Santorum.


While trump and Bush have the money, they have neither the support needed nor the long term campaigning skills it will take to win this nomination. They will both be around in April, but they will not win (and if they do, this country is in a lot of trouble). The rest are simply toast and the most shocking is walker who was the golden boy 6 months ago and has run a dreadful campaign.


Here’s who is ON THE BUBBLE: Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Ben Carson. Cruz has money, Kasich is the most moderate candidate and Carson is the third outsider. Of this bunch, one may make it to April, but they need to get their crap together. Kasich is counting on a win in new Hampshire, while Cruz is counting on Trump imploding and having enough money to be around in March when the southern states begin voting. Carson is simply not up to the task. Whether claiming that homosexuality is a choice or that a Muslim can’t be President, he consistently belies his “gentle Ben,” persona with white hot rhetoric that disqualifies him.


Who has a SHOT: Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina. That’s it…those are the top three when this all shakes out. Rubio will be the young, JFK-esque candidate, Christie will be the mainstream establishment candidate and Fiorina the outsider candidate. You heard it here first.


ONE ADJUSTMENT AS OF SUNDAY 9/27: I think I may want to switch Christie to “on the bubble” and put Ted Cruz on the “shot,” list. Cruz has A LOT of money and is the darling of the far right. As Carson continues to show himself totally unfit, Cruz may pick up those supporters and dollars. Christie needs to hang on somehow until February when New Hampshire votes and he has a chance of finishing 1st or 2nd which would jump start his campaign, but whether or not he can do so is questionable. He’s just not breaking through.


TIME FOR BOLD PREDICTIONS: While many candidates have been declared dead and then gone on to win various posts (including John McCain in 2008), there are still plenty of reasons to believe that we have a handle on what the 2016 presidential election will look like as follows:


Here’s who is OUT, figuratively speaking, of the race for Republican Nominee: Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki, Bobby Jindal,  Jim Gilmore, Rick Santorum.


While trump and Bush have the money, they have neither the support needed nor the long term campaigning skills it will take to win this nomination. They will both be around in April, but they will not win (and if they do, this country is in a lot of trouble). The rest are simply toast and the most shocking is walker who was the golden boy 6 months ago and has run a dreadful campaign.


Here’s who is ON THE BUBBLE: Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Ben Carson. Cruz has money, Kasich is the most moderate candidate and Carson is the third outsider. Of this bunch, one may make it to April, but they need to get their crap together. Kasich is counting on a win in new Hampshire, while Cruz is counting on Trump imploding and having enough money to be around in March when the southern states begin voting. Carson is simply not up to the task. Whether claiming that homosexuality is a choice or that a Muslim can’t be President, he consistently belies his “gentle Ben,” persona with white hot rhetoric that disqualifies him.


Who has a SHOT: Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina. That’s it…those are the top three when this all shakes out. Rubio will be the young, JFK-esque candidate, Christie will be the mainstream establishment candidate and Fiorina the outsider candidate. You heard it here first.


Snapshot results of the second Republican debate; Big winners were Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio (For what it’s worth Lindsay Graham killed it in the first debate, but I’m not sure how much that matters)…Big losers of the big debate were Rand Paul, Jeb Bush and Scott Walker. Here’s hoping two of those clowns bow out gracefully soon. Bush won’t get out because of his money; the only exception would be if the Republican establishment comes to him and says “Jeb, you gave it a good shot, but you’re a truly awful candidate and you need to make way for someone else.” Seriously, he is God awful. The rest of the candidates, including Trump, all held their own. Don’t get me wrong, Trump looked like a petulant, unprepared child on the stage with serious people like Chris Christie, Rubio and Fiorina, but he didn’t do anything that will hurt him with his supporters yet. As the field dwindles, his total lack of seriousness and preparedness will become more glaring. Next debate October 28th.


The democrats debate on October 13th ; we’ll see if Joe Biden is a candidate by then and if Hillary is still out of jail



Now that Labor Day is over and another Republican Debate is scheduled for September 16, more people will begin paying attention to the process of choosing who will be running for President in November of 2016. That’s bad news for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. While few people have heard it, trump had an embarrassingly bad radio interview last week with Talk Show Host Hugh Hewitt in which Trump showed no sense or knowledge of Isis or how to deal with the threat. While Trump supporters will continue, for now, to accept his “I’ll handle it,” answer, he will begin to look very small and unprepared when the field shrinks, more people are paying attention, and people like Marco Rubio and, surprisingly, Carly Fiorina give well thought out, intelligent, understandable answers to such questions. Trump is here to stay, and many people say he learns very quickly. He has the money and the ego to be in this race well into April, but unless he has a stunningly steep learning acumen, he is going to begin to shrink and fade as people get more serious. Still, the heir apparent to his support is hard to pinpoint. The anger and frustration he is tapping into is real; Ben Carson exudes none of that. Chris Christie and Ted Cruz do, but can they harness any dregs from the Trump campaign?


For now, let’s see wat happens in next week’s debate for writing anyone off (Other than Rick Perry and Lindsay Graham and those other 6 people you’ve never heard of…they never had a chance to begin with) or before anointing anyone the new or next leader of the pack. As winter nears, this gets serious.


On the Democratic side, Vice-President Joe Biden was chanted down in a positive way during his Labor Day speech with cheers of “Run Joe Run.” Biden is a very popular guy within democratic circles who has huge support from organized labor, a very powerful lobbying force in America. Biden, despite being a politician for almost 50 years, also still somehow exudes an “every man” feeling amongst most voters in both parties. Most importantly, he ISN’T Hillary Clinton whose campaign continues to flounder as it enters into a 6 weeks period when she and staffers will be forced to testify before congress and the first Democratic debate happens. The more Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders soars to the lead (now ahead of Hillary by almost 10 points in New Hampshire), the more democrats demand someone else to vote for come January.


No changes to the Casino this week as we wait for the developments coming soon:


Far be it from me to be an “I told you so,” especially so early, but the most comprehensive poll and study of American voters was released this weekend and it revealed myriad things I have been saying were true:


THERE ARE A LOT OF SOCIALISTS IN AMERICA: Bernie Sanders’ numbers continue to climb and his support is real. When Sanders’ voters are asked why they are supporting him, 96% of them say “because I share his values and vision of the nation,” as opposed to something like “I don’t like Hillary.” Sanders has between 30-40% support in almost every poll and our continuing march towards becoming more European shows no signs of waning


IF THE SIDELINERS GET IN THE GAME, THE GAME CHANGES: Everyone keeps telling us that Donald Trump and/or Sanders could never be nominated or elected. I have suggested for months that if the 35% of us who are eligible to vote but never do finally decide they’re fed up, mad as hell, whatever and they show up and vote, anything is possible. All of our brilliance is based on using 30 years of modern history. In these new polls, we see that the primary people who support both Trump and Sanders are people who have not voted either ever or in decades. They’re disenfranchised, angry and perhaps feel they can finally make a difference. If only half of them actually decide to participate, all bets are off.


EVERYONE HATES BUSH AND HILLARY: The unfavorable numbers for Both Jeb and Hillary are off the charts. They represents yesterday and everything that the people believe is wrong with politics. I’ve said Bush had no chance from the beginning and if he did somehow win the nomination, it would guarantee a Democratic president in 2016. I’m not ready to go that far yet with Hillary, but I will be stunned beyond words if Joe Biden doesn’t get into this race (and if he doesn’t, if someone else of prominence doesn’t as well). If Hillary somehow stumbles her way to the nomination, America is all but guaranteed a Republican president in 2016

“…But he’ll never be the nominee.” That’s how every single analysis of Donald Trump ends as of this weekend’s news shows. While political “experts” wrap their brain around the fact that Trump’s poll numbers are still surging, most of them say things like “he’s in it for the long haul,” to “he’s tapping into anger,” and then they say he has no chance of winning. My job remains what it always has been; tell you only what I am certain of, which remains that there is no chance, as I have said from the beginning that the Presidential race in 2016 will be Hillary versus Jeb. At this point, it’s impossible to imagine how either of them get the nomination. Most people aren’t paying enough attention to notice right now, but Hillary is imploding and her candidacy is flailing. Imagine for a moment a presidential campaign of Trump versus Biden with Biden’s VP selection being Socialist Elizabeth Warren. If only Trump would pick Sarah Palin as his running mate, we’d have a dream ticket. Everything has been turned on its head and some things are getting clearer…for now…



WOW! The hits just keep on coming. Not only did a record (and extraordinary) 24 million Americans watch the republican primary debate (thus exposing countless Americans to candidates they’d never seen or heard before), but Donald Trump did not disappoint, both during the debate and after, when he may or may not have blamed moderator Megyn Kelly’s period for her tough questions. I predict Trump will see only a minor blip down in the polls this week, if at all. For now, people still just love his bluster. I still have no hope for him once they demand details, but he has the money and attitude to keep him this race until March when it gets very serious. Using last week’s debate as a guide, I am narrowing down my list to the 5 who will still be standing come April, which will be based entirely on polls and money. I’ve adjusted my casino bets accordingly

Can I say “I told you so,” yet? No, no, no, of course not…but I did warn you that Hillary was FAR from anointed and that she was a horrendously bad and damaged candidate who could very well not be the Democratic nominee come November, 2016. The news of the past week has thrown gallons of fuel on that fire and has led to tons of speculation about who in the party will step up and step in. And while I thirst for the entertainment of a BIDEN VERSUS TRUMP election, I doubt that the democrats will fail to force Elizabeth Warren or Julian Castro (An almost surefire winner if he ran) into the race. Everyone has been so focused on the 483 republicans running and the clownshow that is Donald Trump that not enough people have noticed how piss-poor Hillary’s campaign is going.  More on the Trump story in this week’s soapbox.


MONDAY, JULY 27, 2015

Tons of new polls show Donald Trump on the Republican side and Bernie Sanders on the democratic side are gaining traction, momentum and popularity. Conventional wisdom maintains that neither has a shot and both will hit their ceilings soon.


Trump continues to provide absolutely no details at all about HOW he’ll do what he says, but people are eating up his style at this point. Sanders, meanwhile continues to provide horrifying details about his desire to turn America into a socialist nations similar to Scandinavia (his words, not mine) and somehow people are eating it up. Both are attracting crowds of over 10,000 people wherever they go.


I refuse to count Trump out because of his money and his ego, but his act will wear thin come spring if he doesn’t expand it. I expect Bush, Walker, Trump and one or two others (Rubio and Kasich or Christie) to be around for the March super primary days. I still believe that Fiorina, Paul or Cruz can fill a void if one opens, but the money will follow the polls and the big 5 will still be battling come spring. On the Democratic side, I can’t believe Vice President Joe Biden hasn’t announced yet in light of Hillary’s devastating new poll numbers. I have said all along the more people see her, the less they like her. She is an appallingly bad candidate but the Democrats so far, have been unwilling to provide a real candidate to challenger her. Sanders isn’t it.

MONDAY, JULY 20, 2015

If you haven’t already cleared your schedule for Thursday night, August 6th to watch the first Republican Presidential Debate, you are an idiot, because it just got even more interesting if that was possible)


“Conventional wisdom,” has it that Donald Trump has now imploded his campaign after taking a shot at Senator John McCain, who spent five years as a POW as part of the Vietnam War. Trump, who earlier in the week called McCain, the 2008 Republican Presidential Nominee, a “dummy,” for graduating last in his class at Westpoint, said that the only reason McCain is regarded as a war hero is because he was captured in the first place, adding “I like people who weren’t captured.” Both comments, on their face are very “Trump.” The first one got little attention because McCain is viewed by many Republicans as actually being a dummy, and the man responsible for Barack Obama’s presidency. Many Republican voters still remember that 6 weeks prior to election day in in 2008, the McCain/Palin ticket was up in the polls nationally by an average of 6 points, and then McCain pissed it away.


The opening and/or problem with the second comment, the one about McCain’s war record is that even if someone hates John McCain, they recognize, upon reflection, that criticizing an American soldier, ANY American soldier for “getting caught,” or being a POW is shameless and far beneath any potential Commander-in-Chief.  Trump later tried to back away slightly from his remarks by saying during a news conference, ““If a person is captured, they’re a hero as far as I’m concerned. ... But you have to do other things also,” which is as close as we’ll probably ever get to an apology from Trump for anything. And therein lies the rub; if Trump issued an apology THEN his campaign would be over, for he would have squelched the core of his support, which is a fomenting anger in America and a need for candor, even if it offends people. Trump’s candidacy is not over YET for a variety of reasons as follows:


  1. Most people aren’t paying attention. If Trump weathers this storm and is around in March, that’s when the test occurs as to whether or not he has any shot, really, at being a serious contender

  2. He has plenty of money. He can stay in as long as he wants to, and he knows March is the sweet-spot. As long as he holds some level of support through March, his ego will keep him reaching into his wallet. By the way, if he ever withdraws from the race, I promise you he will blame the “corrupt American political system,” which is rigged so that only career politicians can win,” rather than take any personal responsibility.

  3. Specific to the McCain comments; most Americans don’t care about the military. We’ve talked about this to no end on the show, and it’s provably true. We are in a borderline “anti-military,” phase of American history and the majority of people are unmoved by trump’s remarks.


For the record, I find his comments reprehensible and he should have retracted them immediately and issued a staunch statement of support for all who have ever served. I also believe he’ll never truly get close to the Presidency, but God-Damnit if I don’t love that he’s in the race mixing things up right now.


As for the Democrats, a very enlightening moment occurred over the weekend as two fledgling candidates trying to get attention away from Hillary Clinton, attended a convention and were heckled by people claiming to be Civil Rights Protestors. Former Maryland Governor Martin O’ Malley and current Vermont senator Bernie Sanders were both interrupted multiple times by people wearing “Black Lives Matter,” shirts. When O’Malley said “"Every life matters ... Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter," he was loudly booed. The Black Lives Matter crowd is the Democrat’s’ Tea Party; nut jobs with a wing-nut agenda and no room for common sense. Booing the statement that “all lives matter,” shows their true colors, no pun intended. Afterwards, nut job extraordinaire Anna Galland, defended the booing with this statement: "Saying that 'all lives matter' or 'white lives matter' immediately after saying 'Black lives matter' minimizes and draws attention away from the specific, distinct ways in which Black lives have been devalued by our society and in which Black people have been subject to state and other violence.” Good God.

MONDAY, JULY 6, 2015

What does it tell you when the two candidates getting the most attention and the biggest crowds are avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders, who wants to win the Democratic nomination and publicly states his desire to turn America into a European Socialist system akin to those they have in the Netherlands, and Donald Trump, who despite endless media bashing and countless blows to his financial empire, continues to stand by his totally true, if not rudely inartful assertion that Mexico is not our friend and is not sending us the best they have to offer?


Sanders is gaining on Hillary Clinton in every poll in every state and Trump is not only second nationally, he’s poised to win or finish top 3 in both of the stunningly important early primary states of Iowa and New Hampshire.


What it should tell you is what you should already know; we are a nation deeply troubled and divided and we are thirsty for true straight talk and rhetoric from people we actually believe believe what they are saying. Can Trump actuall do what he says he would? Who cares? We believe he believes he can and at this stage, we’ll take that. I believe that trump is opening a lane for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a more experienced and polished politician, but also a brash one. Along with Ohio Governor John Kasich, both men could benefit from Donald’s in-your-face honesty by having more and more voters gravitate towards those willing to express big, bold ideas in a “no BS” sort of way.


The first debate is August 6th and it is must-see TV. Set your Devos


The Democrats are getting restless…very restless…and this could be a very interesting summer. I have told you from the beginning that the 2016 Presidential race will NOT be Bush versus Clinton. I have never believed that Jeb would win the Republican  nomination, and from the get-go, I have warned everyone against crowning Hillary just yet. She is, and always has been, a horrendous candidate, and that’s when she actually speaks to reporters, something she is not doing these days, so add in that she’s running a terrible campaign. She is also plagued by scandal and a name that, like Bush, says “look in the rear-view mirror.”


Over the weekend Wisconsin democrats held a straw poll and Hillary won. Barely. 49-41, edging out Socialist Senator Bernie sanders. What does it tell you when a far left loon like Sanders almost beats Clinton in a blue state’s straw poll? It may tell you that the democratic party has tilted further to the left than you thought, but here’s what it tells other Democratic politicians: Voters wants an alternative to Hillary. She’s imminently beatable. I promise you that countless people are scrambling campaign exploratory committees as we speak. There are already rumblings that former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is ready to run as a Democrat and look for rumors and whispers to pick up about Vice President Biden, Senator Elizabeth Warren and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.  Don’t be surprised if you suddenly start hearing about former governor of Montana, Brian Schweitzer, who had an amazing run as the democratic governor of a very Republican state. One long shot to watch is current HUD secretary Julian Castro, the former mayor of San Antonio who brought the Democratic convention to its feet with his amazing speaking skills in 2012. He’s a star of the future, but if he wants to seize the moment, he may hop in (though he’d have to do it quickly). One other long shot; New Jersey mayor Corey Booker, another future star of the party who may smell blood.


The point of all of this? The democrats have some very impressive and intimidating candidates who have all stayed on the sidelines allowing Hillary her time and believing her unbeatable. Seeing that she is far from that, one or two may take a shot. Conventional wisdom for people like Castro and Booker says to let Hillary run, lose the election to a Republican, and then rise to the top in 2020 and beat the incumbent, but this opportunity may be too good to pass up.


One final note to those of you who root Republican; be careful what you wish for. Hillary is a devastatingly bad candidate and has very little chance of winning in 2016, unless the Republicans do something unthinkable like nominate Donald Trump. If Hillary truly loses the nomination, it is possible the Democrats will nominate a candidate that wows America and steals the show. If you’re a conservative rooting for a change, root for Hillary because she has never been as invincible as we’ve been told. Ask that little known junior senator from Illinois named Barack Obama about how unbeatable Hillary is.


Jeb Bush: He’s the smarter brother, but that’s not saying much, as his behavior as a candidate thus far has shown. The worst thing to happen to the country could be a Bush/Clinton campaign, which repel the population even further away from politics. Personally, I think Jeb is a terrible candidate and would make a pretty bad president and I hope he gets nowhere near the nomination.




Ben Carson: A brilliant retired pediatric Neurosurgeon with an amazing story of rising up from nothing. Also a horrendous candidate with no shot. He is far too soft spoken and says really ridiculous things at times. His lack of any first hand knowledge of world affairs shows in embarrassing ways. He’d make a perfectly fine Director of Health and Human Services, which is probably what he’s going for.





Chris Christie: Stunningly unpopular in his home state of New Jersey, he still should not be counted out. He’s Donald Trump with gravitas; a former U.S. Attorney and two-term governor, he could gain national traction if he gets in the race thanks almost solely to his bombastic, in-your-face style.  America seems to be craving some of that…I don’t know if it’s enough to take him all the way, but I think too many people have already counted him out.




Ted Cruz: The first term senator from Texas is a well versed and polished lawyer; too polished. He’s a walking mannequin trying to sell you a car. He is the new Mike Huckabee, in that Evangelicals love him and that’s a powerful force in the republican primary. He’s smart, courageous and scares me to death. God help us all if he gets the nomination. Worst case scenario would be a Cruz versus Warren election which would be like choosing between Hitler and Stalin. Yes, I just went there.


Carly Fiorina: Former HP CEO, she has no political experience but a lot more real world experience than many in her position. In the end, I don’t believe she has a chance in hell, but she has been stunningly impressive so far with her answers to almost every question. A lot of people are paying attention to her as they see her. She could be vying for a VP slot, but she raises Sarah-Palin-esque concerns about being that close to the presidency with no political experience. Personally, I like her a lot and put her on my list of candidates that I’d consider in a second, but have no shot because our system and society are so stupid.


Lindsey Graham: the senator from South Carolina who never met a war he didn’t like is running on the Foreign Affairs ticket and the hope that his home state can bring him a victory early in the primary and propel him to national attention. He’s served in the military and is very well versed and spoken, but he’s viewed as way too moderate on many issues within the party (particularly immigration). I don’t see him having much of a shot and think he’s raising his visibility in the hopes of being named Secretary of Defense. 


Mike Huckabee: The time has come and gone for this very well spoken and charismatic former governor of Arkansas. He is wildly popular with Evangelicals at a time when religion is at an all time low in America. He’s also viewed as a has-been and a bit of a loon. Quite candidly, I can’t imagine why he left his Fox news show for this.




Bobby Jindal: The Governor of Louisiana has a great personal story to tell but is as awkward socially as Ted Cruz is. Jindal looks like that neighbor you’d tell your kids to stay away from and getting past that is a hard lift in American politics. He’s fairly able and pretty smart. He’s also Indian-American (Dots, not feathers) but I see him as running for VP or a cabinet slot. Perhaps he could oversee the national registry for the Megan’s Law website?




John Kasich: The Governor of Ohio has been around for decades, including during the booming 90’s, the last time Democrats and Republicans worked together, and he was a major part of that. As Governor, he’s wildly popular and has garnered huge swaths of minority votes. HE IS MY DARK HORSE…watch out for this guy. He’s pretty straight forward and can fill that Chris Christie void, he’s more moderate than conservative and could thus fill that Jeb Bush void, and he’s a popular governor from the most important state in the union when it comes to presidential elections in 2016.


Rand Paul: I am closer to a Libertarian than anything else, but I also understand that Libertarianism as a way of governing America is a failed proposition because we are too stupid, ignorant, arrogant and afraid to be truly free. If it were up to me, Paul would waltz to the White House, but he has no shot. He’ll get some attention and a lot of buzz, and he’ll come nowhere close to actually winning anything.




Rick Perry: If Perry had never run in 2012, he may very well be the front runner today. He left Texas after three terms of governor right when the state’s economy was starting to get hammered by the Dakota’s oil boom. By the time 2016 rolls around, he’d be able to point to his state’s massive expansion compared to what will be many years to come of Texas’ struggles on a variety of fronts economically and socially under the bumbling leadership of one of the nation’s most dangerous governors, Greg Abbott. Instead, Perry embarrassed himself beyond belief by running in 2012 when, by all accounts, he was recovering from back surgery and was admittedly still on mediation. Ooops.


Marco Rubio: This is the Republican 2015 JFK play; he’s young, good looking, religious. Oh, and he’s a Latino which is big. He’s got a great story and a lot more experience in politics than people think. In the end, I don’t know if he can hold up and/or if the Republicans want to nominate a freshmen senator after spending 8 years claiming that Obama’s lack of experience is what made him the worst president since ever. Rubio would look great on a stage next to Hillary, but is probably headed towards the VP slot. Don’t count him out, though.


Rick Santorum: Oh dear God, no. perhaps the only guy scarier than Ted Cruz in this field, his time has come and gone and we should all be thankful for that. No shot.



Donald Trump: I don’t believe for a second he’ll run, and if he did, it would be a disaster. Everyone loves his bluster until they actually listens to what he says. I am not a Trump-hater, far from it, but he belongs nowhere near Presidential politics.






Scott Walker: The Wisconsin Governor is hated by the left for his string of victories over public unions and withstanding multiple recall attempts. He’s not exactly charismatic, but he’s getting better and he’s battle tested, He’s also a guy that both the establishment and grass roots of the party really take to. Don’t count him out by any means. His biggest strike so far? He’s allergic to dogs, and I don't trust anyone that doesn’t have a dog.





George Pataki: Seriously? The former Governor of new York, who was quite forgettable when he served is now trying to resurrect himself a decade later? Pataki is considered way too moderate for Republican base votes and way too lame and yesterday for everyone else. No shot at all.






Joe Biden: the sitting vice-president has always wanted to be president and, I believe, is waiting to see if Hillary screws up and gives him an opening. He is incredibly affable, though equally as bumbling. He has been stunningly wrong on almost every single major foreign affairs position he has taken publicly in the last 30 years and he’s been the creepiest Vice president since the last one. It’s hard to imagine the Dems giving him the nod, but for professional reasons I root for it.




Hillary Clinton: She has name recognition, has served in almost every important political job other than governor (though she was married to one and played a major role in his administration), and is certainly “owed” the nomination by her party. It is impossible to understate her political power in the world. And yet, with all of that, she is a miserably bad candidate. She is also an aging woman, which still, sadly, matters in America. It is hard to imagine how she doesn’t get the nomination, but that was true at this time in 2007. The only thing harder is imaging how she wins the presidency in 2016, which may scare off some Democratic primary voters.

Martin O’Malley: For now, he’s my dark horse because he’s a really good campaigner and candidate. The former Governor of Maryland and Mayor of Baltimore is very quick on his feet and good at answering questions. I don’t count him out yet.







Bernie Sanders: The admitted proud socialist senator from Vermont wants to make America more like Scandinavia, that’s a quote, Google it. He looks like Doc Brown from “Back to the Future,” and preaches a populist class warfare message that resonates with the far ends of the Democratic Party. He has no shot, but he may make the primary interesting and force Hillary into some uncomfortable positions.


Elizabeth Warren: Although the senator from Massachusetts has said multiple times she isn’t going to run, if Hillary hits a major snag or scandal, she will run and she will win the nomination. Warren is the more reasonable and likely to win version of Bernie Sanders and the far left of the party LOVES her. She is an avowed Socialist who thinks President Obama has been far too conservative.  Until January 2016, she is in play, and either way, she is a rising star in the party.

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